Sunday, May 12, 2013

Starting a new instrument

This year I've started to play a new instrument, the harpsichord. Since a young age this has been something I've wanted to do. I went in to a music academy to ask for lessons and the teacher said that she would call me to let me know wether it was possible to fit my lesson into her full timetable. About a month later I got a call from her saying that it was possible to have lessons but in an other academy which was perfect because it was even closer to my place. Now it was time to choose a second subject because in music academies here in Belgium one needs to have to lessons minimum in an academy. After long thinking hours I chose to join the improvisation group. Basically it's a group of people with each their own instrument or instruments and the aim is to make music without being stuck on sheet music. I followed this lesson when I was younger.

I've had this fascination towards the harpsichord since when I was small about 8 I went to a harpsichord concert. I remember liking the instrument instantly and saying to myself: I would like to be able to play it. I've always been into playing fast music pieces and seeing the two talented harpsichord players who were playing at a fast speed, made me want to learn how to play the harpsichord right away.

As I've stopped having piano lessons I thought why not start the harpsichord which is similar in some ways but on the other hand very different. What both the teacher and I have noticed is that I play the harpsichord like a pianist. I think the main differences between a harpsichord and the piano are: the harpsichord doesn't have a pedal, you can't play in different volumes (p, mp, ff and so on) and third big difference that caught my eye was that on piano sheet music everything is indicated whereas music for harpsichord is more free.

The teacher has given me two pieces to practice. One of them is english XC. Alman by Martin Peerson and the other one french Musette en Rondeau by O.P.Rameau. They are both fun to play but they are diffent. I practice at home on my piano and playing on a harpsichord during the lessons. The pieces sound better on the harpsichord!

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